30 inch Plastic Bale Wrap Cost

2024-11-05 23:05:02

Right now, we offer two types of 30 inch width bale wrap film including 30” × 5000‘ and 30” × 5500’. In addition, we also supply a compact bale wrap such as 10” width and 20” width bale wrap. The plastic bale wrap cost range is from 95USD to 45USD.

The wide range model overwrap all forage types including, dray hay, straw bales and silage. Superior 5- layer Bale Wrap Silage Film is ideal for in-line bale wrapping, round bales, and high-speed bale wrappers. many folks clearly see wrapping hay bales as a beneficial practice for their farm. One of the interesting things about the practice of using plastic to wrap bales is that the technology is well adapted to both small and large farms.

There are many advantages are clear:

UV Stable Bale Wrap.

Shorten in drying time,

Obtain a better leaf retention compared to dry hay,

Small footprint

Reduction in weather risk

Moreover, To make quality baleage, wrapping must be eliminated as less air as possible from inside the bale. It means we shall put enough plastic on the bale to stop any movement of air into the bale and produce a tight bale. We also need pay attention to the moisture, moisture levels too high can cause clostridial fermentation with resulting high levels of butyric acid and ammonia. Ideally to control moisture under 40%. Baleage is be risky to feed to livestock if the forage has a high moisture, slimy appearance and an awful smell. Quality bale wrap film and proper wrap handling can reduce the risk.